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Friday, May 9, 2014

Thrifted Candle sticks

Around Christmas time last year I really wanted a set of candle stick holders. I started scanning ebay for them. They were expensive! To the tune of like fifty bucks and up. No way am I paying that. I really wanted a pair of white ones that matched.,  Instead I decided to wait until yard sale season to start looking for some. Good things come to those who wait!!

I found two of these at the second yard sale I went to! I was so excited!

I paid $2.00! It sure beat the price tag on the bottom!

I dry brushed them white because I really wanted a shabby chic looking set! I can't wait to play around with them and see where they are going to fit in my decor! As soon as I figure it out, you will be the first to know!
I will leave you with a picture of the LOVEBUG and the boquet of "flowers" that she picked!
Gotta Trot! Hugs Christy :)