
Blog Archive

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Harley Shirt Quilt

Here is the latest quilt order I had. It's an Anniversary present for my cousin and her husband. It is made from all of his Harley shirts. These were not T shirts but more like a denim. I was a bit concerned how hard they would be to quilt through, but really it went pretty smoothly.  They seemed very happy with it! That always makes me happy to see the recipients reaction!

Monday, May 19, 2014


So today I went outside to do my normal chores, First my brothers dog Rebel who I am baby sitting due to a leg amputation. He was hit by a car. My brother is a truck driver and isn't home every day and his wife is in Oklahoma on an extended stay. They are adopting a little girl and have to be in Oklahoma for a certain amount of days until it is final. The next stop is the bantam chicken pen and to my surprise this is what I saw.......

A CHICK! then two..

Then I realized that I needed to get chicken wire around the bottom of the pen or they would walk right through the chain link!! and Rebel is on the other side, he is huge! Half doberman and half great pyrenees. They would be an appetizer for him and nothing more! Frantically my hubby and I spent the next hour making the pen safe!
These two hens have sat faithfully since the day they decided it was time. I have only had one other chicken successfully hatched at our farm. I took it out of the cats mouth one day and put it back in the pen. We then went to our cabin for the weekend and it was gone without a trace when we came home. I have had my whole herd wiped out in one weekend while we were at our cabin two hours away. So I really didn't think much of them sitting. These chickens were given to me by a friend last fall. I didn't really want them and I sure didn't want to feed them all winter. But I did. I didn't like it but I did it. I hate cold weather. Today made it all worth it! I couldn't tell how many there were because both hens were sharing the work and were well spread out over them. Later in the day, the chickies were all out, all six of them!! They are so adorable! It completely made my day!! Thank You GOD for spring and all the wonderful surprises that come with it!

Hugs, gotta trot, Christy:)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thrifted Candle sticks

Around Christmas time last year I really wanted a set of candle stick holders. I started scanning ebay for them. They were expensive! To the tune of like fifty bucks and up. No way am I paying that. I really wanted a pair of white ones that matched.,  Instead I decided to wait until yard sale season to start looking for some. Good things come to those who wait!!

I found two of these at the second yard sale I went to! I was so excited!

I paid $2.00! It sure beat the price tag on the bottom!

I dry brushed them white because I really wanted a shabby chic looking set! I can't wait to play around with them and see where they are going to fit in my decor! As soon as I figure it out, you will be the first to know!
I will leave you with a picture of the LOVEBUG and the boquet of "flowers" that she picked!
Gotta Trot! Hugs Christy :)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My sewing Craft Room

Welcome to my craft and sewing room! 
I didn't clean it up for you. I like to keep it real. 
You are getting a real peek into my work space! 
This is standing in the door looking in on the east wall. Turn to your right and....

You will see my sewing machine. I use the upper part for storage.
 It is an organized mess. I know where everything is. It works for me. 

Turn all the way around and you will see the north wall. It has my cutting area. A woman gave me a bar for my basement about seven years ago. It came with the house they just purchased and it was big. This is only half of the whole bar. It is an awesome cutting table because the height is just right! I also use this space to scrapbook and make cards using my cricut. 

From this point, turn to your left and you will see.....

More and more storage! This room is very small but it works! It sure beats having to set everything up at the dinning room table and move it before supper! I did that for years! It is so nice to leave my work and come back to it when I have the time. I seriously think I get more done this way. I may only have 20 minutes but I can get a good 20 minutes of pure work and no setting up and tearing down! 
This room use to be our youngest son Klaytons' bedroom when he was young. I think he moved out when he was about 10. He moved into the larger bedroom our oldest son was occupying. Our oldest son Daniel was in high school and wanted to make his bedroom in our bunk house outside of our house. It is a cook portable shed. He truly made it his own! He painted it and put Laminate wood flooring in. He added a rustic wood border all around the bottom. Daniel is married now and has a family of his own. He has done many improvements to thier home! But, that is another post! Actually it could be a whole other blog!  
I am thrilled to have this room to call my own! I call it my office. Two years ago for Christmas I asked for the dark shelves, and the peg boards to put on the wall to organize things. That added a lot to the functionality! I hope this inspires you to find an area of your own and make it yours! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Toilet Paper Roll Challenge Results!

The Results are in from the toilet paper roll challenge!

This one is I think a goat head or something?
Yes, it was made by myself late at night just playing with the toilet paper rolls.

This one is a very useful item made by Mr. Wonderful himself! My hubby

I also made this one. It is sitting in a little stand thingy Mr. Wonderful made on the wood lathe. I really want to keep trying to make some sort of bow that you can put on presents. I don't want to buy bows and we always have TP Rolls. Maybe if I painted it or something. I'm not sure what it needs, but it certainly needs improvement!

My Daughter in law, son and grand daughter also made a bird feeder. I hung it outside and failed to get a picture.

My Daughter in law made a picture book using TPR's as the pages. Here is the cover.

Open the book and this is the first page.

Our Family
from top left  clock wise; Daniel, Klayton, Kile, Myself and my husband.

Next Page is our grand daughter and her puppy Kaiden. Our DIL and grand daughter on following page. Please notice the flower on this page is made from a toilet paper roll!

Our oldest son and his BIG BUCK. Our grand daughter and her Daddy on the slide.

And last but never least, The LOVE BUG and Kaiden again! Our DIL took all of these pictures in this photo book. She has a Photography business and is very good at her craft!

Anyway, I hope this inspires you to start collecting toilet Paper rolls and find a use for them! Please post a pic here if you do! We would love to see them!
Gotta Trot, Hugs Christy

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Winter Riding

This is my hubby on Doc. Doc is a handsome fellow, who was given to us by some friends who had way too many horses. We are grateful. Doc. is probably the best horse on our place! He is very friendly and loves attention more than any of the other horses! Doc. was five years old when we got him and hadn't been broke. Usually people start training a horse at age two, because the older they are the more difficult it can become. The moment Doc. understood what we wanted from him, it all clicked! My husband had to ride him bareback the first three times because he was really freaked out about the whole saddle thing. We brought a saddled horse into the round pen and my husband rode it while I held Doc. on the outside watching. It was that moment that Doc. knew what we wanted. We have been riding him ever since!! The saddle my hubby is riding in was a gift from his employer when he retired. It included a matching breast strap. He has never been more proud to ride in a saddle! Let me say that my husband is not an easy man to please. He is a very practical no frills person. He cares more about functionality than anything else. So this retirement gift was absolutely awesome that he actually loved it!

The toilet paper Roll challenge is coming. Some of the family got sick and we haven't been able to get together. But Soon peeps Soon!
Gotta Trot
Hugs Christy :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Big Surprise!

I know you haven't heard from me in a while. Yes, there is a reason. For the past 3 weeks I have been diligently working on a project. I had a deadline of Feb. 2, 2014. That was the day of the Baby shower. My gift would get revealed. I have sooooo wanted to post this earlier, but couldn't take any chances of the recipient finding it!
The Big Surprise!
Here it is all wrapped up and ready to go!

 And here it is in the beginning stages.....

Here it is in process. I hand quilted it and this is what took the longest.

I can't believe it but I didn't even get a pic. of when the mother opened it!! I do have it cam corded though. She cried! yes, she really cried. She was my niece through marriage at one time in my life. Of course she was a young girl way back then. But now, she is a grown woman with 2 children of her own and expecting her third one.
So, yea it was great! I was so glad that I was able to do this for her!
Gotta Trot, 
Hugs, Christy :)